Gizlilik Sözleşmesi
By entering this website, you have proved that you are actually travelers. It does not matter to us whether you are a beginner or an advanced traveler. It is enough for us to know that you are interested in trips, travels and innovation. Don’t forget that you are with people who always have route plans in their minds and love to travel the world.
Every single point of our country and the world is worth visiting and seeing. This blog world, which we prepared to be a souvenir and to find the places we traveled in an orderly way, has turned into a guide where our friends can have information about the places they are curious about. It made us very happy to be useful. Then we tried to express the history, nature and culture of the places we visited in the most useful way.
Whenever we have time, we give ourselves to travel. We try to escape and go on trips. We want to show our website to people who think like us, who love to travel, that you can travel. We also intend to create a guide for travelers. We established this website after we made traveling a part of our lives.
We have tried and are trying to produce quality content about every place we have been. In this way, we document our travels and prevent them from getting lost in time. Reading what we write, remembering the places we have visited encourages us to travel more and this continues in a cycle.
We are doing our best to guide our comrades who love to travel, to see new places not by reading about them but by seeing them, to give you a little courage and to ensure that you travel like us. Because we were born to travel. If the word travel moves your heart too, it means we will spend more time together.