Michael’s Gate: Crossroads of Middle Ages and Modern Age


In the old days of Bratislava, there were city walls surrounding the city. In order to get inside these walls, gates with high security and control were used. One of these gates, of which there are four in total, is on Michalska. The 51 meter high gate got its name from its proximity to St. Michael’s Church.

Some rooms of the tower are now used as museums. But the sixth floor is the most exciting. Because it gives us a panoramic view of the old city center and the surrounding areas. This is one of the best places with a 360-degree view of Bratislava, from the Bratislava Castle to the Danube.

Bratislava Michael Kulesi Kale Manzarasi

St. Michael’s Gate is located in the streets of the old city center, a place you’ll cross even if you don’t want to. If you are coming from the main street where the train tracks are, you will cross a lovely little bridge where you can also see the tip of the tower. This bridge connects the main street with the old city center and you can also see vendors and musicians on the bridge. One side of the bridge and crossing leads to the old and lovely center of the city, while the other side is under the influence of the chaos and the modern world.

Bratislava Michael Gecidi Koprusu
Bratislava Michael Kulesi Sokagi

The historic gate is located on one of the most touristic streets of the region. It is surrounded by many shops, restaurants and cafes. On the gate area of the tower, you can see the distance of 29 different capitals to this point. The distance to Istanbul is 1231 km.

Bratislava Michael Kulesi Gezilecek Yerler
Bratislava Michael Kulesi Istanbul Mesafesi