Piazza della Repubblica: Florence’s Most Luxurious Square

Piazza della Repubblica: Florence’s Most Luxurious Square

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Piazza della Repubblica is a large square in the center of Florence. This square, called Piazza della Repubblica, is surrounded by luxurious and elegant restaurants catering to the city’s upper class. The square, which has been the center of the city since Roman times, is also the commercial and political heart of the city.

There is a colorful carousel in the middle of the square. The carousel, which children can’t pass by without riding, allows you to capture beautiful photos with long exposure technique, especially in the evening hours.

Piazza Della Repubblica Meydani Floransa

The square is huge, but not too crowded. It has a certain calmness about it and yet it is lively. Street musicians constantly show their talents in this square. You should definitely watch them.

Piazza Della Repubblica Meydani Gezisi
Piazza Della Repubblica Sokak Muzisyenleri

The Arcone, the triumphal arch that occupies one side of the square, is also quite large. The triumphal arch with the inscriptions L’ANTICO CENTRO DELLA CITTÀ (The ancient center of the city), DA SECOLARE SQUALLORE (From centuries of misery), A VITA NUOVA RESTITUITO (To new life) on its wall gives the square a different atmosphere.

Piazza Della Repubblica Duvar Yazisi

Cafe Gilli, the most famous and historical cafe in Piazza della Repubblica, is located right next to the square. Opened in 1733, the cafe is quite luxurious. We sat in Cafe Gilli and left with 28€ for 2 tiramisu and 2 cafe lattes with a service charge, they charge you for sitting there, for your information.

In the center of the square is one of the few artifacts of the past. The Column of Abundance, which symbolizes abundance, was originally sculpted by Donatello in the 18th century. However, when it was found, it was seen that it was corroded and it was decided to make a replica of the statue and it was made by Italian sculptor Giovan Battista Foggini in 1956.