Galleria Borghese & Villa Borghese Gardens in Rome

Galleria Borghese & Villa Borghese Gardens in Rome

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Villa Borghese, which was built on a very large area, is now used as an art gallery with rich collections. Be sure to take a walk in the green garden of Galleria Borghese.

It is forbidden to enter the gallery, which was created to exhibit the artworks of Cardinal Scipione Borghese, the art-loving nephew of Pope Paul V, at Villa Borghese. After you leave your bag, you will be admitted as a group. It is important not to miss the reservation time. Otherwise, you have to wait for the next group, which may disrupt your plan.

Photography is also forbidden when you enter. The lower floor of the gallery consists of sculptures. In the Museo Borghese, you can see the original versions of Bernini’s beautiful sculptures. Enea e Anchise, Apollo e Dafne, Pluto e Proserpina, David are some of Bernini’s famous sculptures.

Villa Galleria Borghese Heykelleri
Villa Galleria Borghese Berrini Heykelleri

Galleria Borghese is the name given to the upper floor. This floor consists of paintings by famous artists such as Caravaggio.

Villa Galleria Borghese Fotograf
Iory Allison

You must make a reservation before visiting the museum. You can make reservations online address in 2-hour periods. For example, you can enter at 09:00 and stay inside until 11:00. It is also possible to make reservations for 13:00, 15:00, 17:00. When we went there unaware of this information, we saw that all the tickets that could be purchased for the next 6 days were sold out. If you want to visit this place in winter time when the tourist density is low, you may not need a reservation.

Roma Galleria Borghese Gezisi

You can reach the gallery by walking through the Pincio gardens next to Piazza del Popolo square or by taking buses 52, 53, 116 and 910 and getting off at Flamino, Spagna and Barberini metro stops.

Roma Villa Borghese Bahcesi