Artist from the Republic of Ordulu Uzupis

Artist from the Republic of Ordulu Uzupis

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One of the must-see places in Vilnius is the Republic of Uzupis. Most of the inhabitants of this small neighborhood, which is likened to Istanbul’s Cihangir, are either artists or artist spirits.

Uzupis, which means the other side of the river, has its own army of 11 artists, president and constitution. In their 41-article constitution, they have fun rules such as “Cats have the right to be ungrateful”, “Everyone has the right to be happy / unhappy”, “Everyone has the right to die”.

Uzupis Cumhuriyeti Tabelasi
Robin et Marylène
Uzupis Cumhuriyeti Duvari
Andrew White

Here is the full list of the constitution of the Republic of Uzupis, all of which hangs on a billboard at the head of Paupio Street:

1. Everyone has the right to live next to the Vilnele River, and the Vilnele River has the right to flow next to everyone.
2. Everyone has the right to hot water, warmth in winter and a roof over his head.
3. Everyone has the right to die, but it is not an obligation.
4. Everyone has the right to make mistakes.
5. Everyone has the right to individuality.
6. Everyone has the right to love.
7. Everyone has the right, but not the obligation, not to be disliked.
8. Everyone has the right not to be known or famous.
9. Everyone has the right to loaf.
10. Everyone has the right to love and care for a cat.
11. Everyone has the right to look after a dog until the death of another.
12. A dog has the right to be a dog.
13. A cat does not have to love its owner, but it should help its owner in difficult times.
14. Man has the right sometimes not to be aware of his duties.
15. Everyone has the right to hesitate, but it is not his duty.
16. Everyone has the right to be happy.
17. Everyone has the right to be unhappy.
18. Everyone has the right to be silent.
19. Everyone has the right to believe in something.
20. No one has the right to resort to violence.
21. Everyone has the right to realize their own helplessness and greatness.
22. Everyone has the right to defy infinity.
23. Everyone has the right to understand.
24. Everyone has the right not to understand anything.
25. Everyone has the right to belong to more than one nationality.
26. Everyone has the right to celebrate or not celebrate their own birthday.
27. Everyone should remember their own name.
28. Everyone can share what they have.
29. No one can share what they do not have.
30. Everyone has the right to have brothers and sisters and parents.
31. Everyone has the ability to be independent.
32. Everyone is responsible for their own freedom.
33. Everyone has the right to cry.
34. Everyone has the right to be misunderstood.
35. No one has the right to make someone else look guilty.
36. Everyone has the right to be private.
37. Everyone has the right to have no rights.
38. Everyone has the right to be fearless.
39. Don’t be defeated.
40. Fight back.
41. Surrender.

The bridges in the Republic of Uzupis are laced with padlocks, some with names written on them, hung by people who have been married or lovers here.

If you are ever in Vilnius, be sure to pass through this republic. On April 1, 1997, April 1 is celebrated as Independence Day in this interesting place that doesn’t really exist but lives as if it exists in itself.

Uzupis Cumhuriyeti Sokagi
Antony Eaton
Uzupis Cumhuriyeti Sanat Galerisi
Eric Watkins

The Republic of Uzupis is located on the other side of the river known as Vilnia. It lives up to its name, which means the other side of the river.

The symbol of the Republic of Uzupis is the statue of an angel completed by Romas Vilciauskas in 2002. The bronze angel statue is located in the square of Uzupis.

Uzupis Cumhuriyeti Melek
Jonathan Freeman